Your Naval Air Station N . Island NASNI located all over San Diego Bay throughout Coronado CA will variety an open house general public celebration on Saturday February 12 This year as part of a nationwide series of events which in turn mark the centennial loved-ones birthday of the birth associated with naval aviation. The New york festivities have special historical significance. On February Teen 1911 pioneer aviator and inventor Glenn Hammond Curtiss taxied his hydroaeroplane to the cruiser...

EUGENE Ore. -- There was a time when American youth wanted to be Duck or NFL football stars now many young people in the Eugene area would rather hang out in their computer caves -- often located in the basements of their parents homes -- and doing something called hacking. While most parents in the Eugene area cant seem to give their kids enough technology gadgets so as to ease their worried minds about Johnny or Suzie doing well in school the realty is online time spent my many young people...