Taxi fare estimator
Enter your pick up address and destination for a taxi fare estimate. These taxi fares are estimates and due to the mapping software may not be the cheapest taxi rate. If the prices seem high, check the map for unusual routes or try Google maps.

The Google taxi fare estimator has been offline for some time now and it does not seem that they plan to fix it. In its place are some estimated fares from across our pick up area.
Our rates are $2.50 per mile and our meter starts at $3.
We have a 10% student and senior discount off meter prices.
We do not charge for extra people or have any other added fees except the $1 Airport tax the Eugene airport makes us collect. You can google the shortest distance from your pickup and drop off locations and calculate the fare. The following estimates are very accurate but do not include any discounts.
Eugene Amtrak to the Eugene Airport $25
University of Oregon Dorms to Airport $29
University of Oregon Dorms to Amtrak $8
Kinsrows Apartments to Luckys Club $9
Walmart W11th to W29th and Willamette $17
Laurelwood Golf Course to Eugene Airport $31
W18th and Chambers to Shoppes at Gateway $17
E30th and Hilyard to Amtrak $10
Greyhound Bus Station to Eugene Airport $35
Shoppes at Gateway/Motel 6 to Eugene Airport $28
Walmart Springfield to Gateway $15
42nd and Main to Gateway $18
Bob Straub and Main St to Eugene Airport $46
Junction City (downtown) to Eugene Airport $25
Veneta (Hwy126/Territorial) to Eugene Airport $32
Harrisburg (Downtown) to Eugene Airport $36
Transportation must include either a drop off or pick up in Eugene/Springfield. If we pick you in Monroe and drop you off in Junction City, you will pay a minimum fee calculated from the Eugene Amtrak the center of Monroe plus the meter fare from Monroe to Junction City. This applies to all towns in outside of Eugene/Springfield.